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An object B of the class Box is a d-dimensional box (it may be unbounded). A d-dimensional box is the set defined by the Cartesian set [l1, r1) × [l2, r2) × \cdots × [ld,rd).


CGAL_Kdtree_d<I>::Box box ( int d);
Construct a box corresponding to the whole d-dimensional space

CGAL_Kdtree_d<I>::Box box ( Point left, Right right, int d);
Construct the axis parallel box in the d-dimensional space defined by the points left, right.


void box.set_coord_left ( int k, Point & left)
set the left endpoint of the k-th dimensional interval of box to be the k-th coordinate of left
void box.set_coord_right ( int k, Point & right)
set the right endpoint of the k-th dimensional interval of box to be the k-th coordinate of right
bool box.is_in ( Point pnt)
return true if pnt lies inside box.
bool box.is_coord_in_range ( int k, Point pnt)
return true if the k-th coordinate of pnt lies inside the k-th dimensional interval of box.

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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.